Regular monitoring
The Innovation, Monitoring, Learning and Communications Unit comprise two sections, M&E and Communications. The M&E section carries out a number of activities including: verification of beneficiary households; customer satisfaction surveys; regular monitoring of all current activities through our bi-monthly and annual socio-economic survey; and research studies. These demonstrate how the CLP is progressing in terms of outputs and outcomes. IMLC is also responsible for documenting lessons learnt and feeding these back to Operations. The M&E section collects monitoring data on a range of indicators that can be categorised around our key themes: markets and livelihoods; WASH; women empowerment; nutrition; and food security. Traditionally IMLC has used the ‘rolling baseline’ or ‘pipeline control’ approach to monitor controls.
The IMLC conducts a remarkable number of research studies throughout the year. These studies contribute to help the senior management team understand various management-related issues and to increase CLP’s understanding of its impact on the lives of char households. Based on the research reports, new and innovative decisions are often made to improve the process of lifting people living on the chars out from poverty.
Regular information dissemination takes place on CLP’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Flickr pages. Every week three original pieces of content are generated and uploaded on social media sites and a photo of the week is published. CLP has a diverse range of communication materials including: glossies and briefs which outline CLP’s key thematic areas and present the results of recent monitoring or research activities; a blog; a tracking project of participant households; news stories and case studies. The purpose of these activities is to communicate CLP’s work, increase knowledge sharing and highlight lessons learnt.
As part of its learning process IMLC arranges internal and external workshops and seminars, as well as participating in similar events arranged by other organisations. This creates a platform to share our findings, receive feedback and create a dialogue with donors, relevant stakeholders, development professionals and other interested parties. CLP also conducts exposure visits to other development organisations with the aim of increasing awareness of how other organisations operate, understand systems within a different working environment and stimulate innovation within the Division.
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